Week 28- 04.14.08- 04.20.08
Friday morning, I went to the Dailey Method (my core strength class) with Mary for the first time in about three weeks...it kicked my @ss! We got through it but boy was it painful during and even more so the next morning but that didn't stop Mary and I from meeting up for our bike ride! It was an extremely windy Friday night into Saturday! I woke up in the middle from the sounds of the wind and waking up in the morning to the sounds of the wind was not encouraging either! I was soooooo close to texting Mary and bailing on our bike ride but then I thought..no no no...there's a possibility that my races will be this windy..I have to get out there! 8:30am..I rolled up to Mike's Bikes in Sausalito..parked next to Mary and off we went on our 60 mile bike ride to Point Reyes! Going out was windy as hell which made the 3 big climbs all that much more difficult. Did I mention that the wind almost took me out when I felt the wheels on my bike giving into the wind? Scary! Descending down White Hill on my way back, I saw two trucks and a girl on the side of the road..I am guessing that she got ran off the road..hope she is okay! I let her friends down the road know so hopefully she was greeted by comfort! Coming back was a whole lot better..tail wind perhaps? It took us about 2 hours and 15 going out but only about an hour and a half coming back. On the way back..I was just in a zone..looking forward to seeing my car but not before I saw a big white snake get run over while descending Camino Alto! Mary and I agreed that it was an awesome ride..a great time out on the saddle with a lovely cookie/tea break at Pt. Reyes station talking about the windy conditions with other cyclists. One woman walked by during our cookie and tea and said, "It must be a difficult day on the bike." Sure was lady but made it all the more satisfying! After the ride, we headed to Boudin's at Corte Madera for lunch. Midway through, the wind blew the emergency exit door open and broke the hinges off! That's what happens with 40mph winds I guess??

The ride this weekend was hard due to the wind but not nearly as difficult as the Cinderella Century from a few years ago where wind conditions in the valley limited me to riding 5mph...on FLAT roads! Not joking! Riders were dropping like flies to SAG cars but I was determined to finish it..wind..rain..whatever..I was finishing! Remember that one Lorri?! What year was it? I want to say..2005?
Workout Summary-
Swim- 0 hours and 50 minutes
Bike- 5 hours and 20 minutes
Run- 0 hours and 52minutes
Core Strength- 1 hour and 0 minutes
Total workout- 8 hours and 2 minutes
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