Longest workout this week was my 60 mile recovery bike ride on Sunday. Yes..60 miles as a recovery bike ride..there's something wrong with that combination, isn't there?! I headed out to the Eastbay and joined Mike, Elaine, Jeff and Raf for what turned out to be a great ride! I rarely go out to the Easybay so I don't really know any of the rides..in this instance..ignorance was bliss!! I didn't know what I was really in for...just that it was going to be long and hilly! I knew that the Three Bears would be included. The last time I rode the Three Bears was about 3-4 years ago with fellow Velo Girl Annette W. At that time, I thought it was one of the toughest things ever. Yesterday, as were finished the climbs..I asked Raf..were those the Three Bears? He said, "Yup." I thought..sheeshh..so much easier than I had remembered them to be! All those hours in M2 are paying off! The course we took wasn't too bad at all and with good company..the ride was great!
Later that evening, I joined 7 other ladies for a little ladies' night out to watch Sex And the City..what else?! Susan, Kerry and Tessa got there earlier to save seats. The movie couldn't have been done better, I thought! We laughed..cried..loved it! After the movie, the 8 of us minus Mary had a lovely dinner at Roti. Main topics of discussion was the movie (duh) and "the Body" that was running around at Kezar. Apparently, I missed this very worthy sighting..I will have to pay attention this Wed when I am there!

Workout Summary-
Swim- 0 hours and 50 minutes
Bike- 6 hours and 55 minutes
Run-2 hours and 59 minutes
Total workout- 10 hours and 44 minutes
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