Finally feeling healthy!
Five days spent laying in bed with laptop and tivo remote was more than enough for me! Being sick and weak for 5+ days was brutal...especially not being able to train. Coach's orders were to rest and do not re-engage in training until one day after I feel good. Out of curiosity, I had to ask him how many days it took to lose fitness....10-12 days he says! Holy crap! 10-12 days?! That's nothing!! Good thing, by day 6, I made it to CT class. Just in time for the 35 minute interval he had us do (intervals are usually 12 minutes)! Tough but I was just glad to be healthy again. I think I paid my sick dues for the year so no more please!
So, like many other gals in the country, I was tuned into ABC's The Bachelor last Monday night. To my disappointment, Jason the Bachelor, chose to end things with Jillian. I found the reason he gave her to be very disappointing, "I don't know if I can keep up with you." WTF?! He was living proof on national TV that more likely than not, men are threatened by women who actually has an life of their own. An exciting life. Jillian gave the perfect answer, "I am not going to keep my life on hold just because I am single." You tell him girl! Now, Jason, what are you going to do with the 24 year old and the 25 year old you have left? Do you really think they are ready to be the step-mother to your child at their age? Dumb dumb dumb! Oh well, looking forward to Monday night. Looking forward to the finale and the "big shocker".
I am sad that the Tour of California has come to an end. I was glued to it like a fly on the screen. They estimated that over 2 million spectators came out to support the race. That is incredible! Being an endurance athlete, I appreciate what these guys do on a day to day basis that much more. There are others out there who don't thinkcycling is all that difficult and some won't even consider these cyclists to be top tier athletes just because the sport doesn't involve a ball. Well, obviously these people have never been on a bike busting their @ss for 4 or 5 hours a day...for multiple days!
The ToC was only 10 days...Tour de France in July is going to be 3 weeks long. That means for the month of July, I will be sleep deprived and on my mind 24/7 will be the Tour de France! But being that Lance is riding the Giro as well this year, make May sleep deprivation month as well. Oh this can't be good with IM training! Congrats to Team Astana!

Workout Summary-
Swim- 1 hour and 0 minutes
Bike- 4 hours and 13 minutes
Run- 1 hour and 34 minutes
Total workout- 6 hours and 47 minutes