With all that's been going on, this week was finally a good one. The entire month of August has been a bit rough and I am glad it's coming to an end and I welcome September with open arms! Thank goodness for music and chocolate is all I gotta say!
I've been in all day meetings this entire week reviewing Athleta's Summer 2012 product and I have to say, it all looks so awesome! Because I knew I would be in meetings all day long this week, I took the opportunity to go on a three day all fruit and raw foods eating cleanse. I've been taking in so much sugar this month that I was starting to feel the effects of it internally and was not liking it. The cleanse felt great and helped jump start my training for the North Face 50k trail running race. That's right-- I'm back on the training horse. I think the conversation with my coach went something like...
Me: Ok, signed up, ugly trail shoes bought, hydration pack got.
Coach: 50 miler :)?
Me: No, 50k!
Coach: How about the 50 miler?!
Me: No, how about the 50k :)?!
Coach: You should get a map
Gotta love the coach!

I went on my first training run this past Saturday with my long time training bud Caesar (he is doing
the 50 miler). We started Ironman together, as well as, coach's pain cave so it was almost de ja vu as we start another adventure together. I managed to recruit a few more suckers for the 50k so it should be a fun race come December 3rd! Then on Sunday, my good friend Jade took me on some trails in Marin and it was beautiful indeed. Both days, I started with my perspective training buds but would end up going our own paces. Being out there on my own and feeling free was such a nice feeling. The nice feeling definitely helped validate that some of the personal decisions I made earlier this year was indeed the right ones! I was in my element and I loved it! I love feeling healthy again and feeling able and wanting to feel like this. I am fortunate to be surrounded by so many positive people with so much love in their hearts. I think it's safe to say that I am no longer feeling the burn out from earlier this year :).So.. on the flip side of feeling mentally great... physically.. I am having difficulty walking without my quads firing! The last time I was in my running shoes was my 10 minute shake out run the night before IM CdA. My first training run on Saturday was for 90 minutes. That's my coach for ya!
Live. Laugh. Love.
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